Sunday 6 June 2010

Get Well Soon

Well my nan has been out of hospital for nearly 3 weeks now and is still the same.

Still yellow from the jaundice and not eating properly as she feels sick and being in hospital for 30 days or so her muscles have seized up so can't walk very well.
For any patient they should get them out of bed more as being in bed in the same position for some time is going to stiffen up your joints they should get them moving more or offer some physio.

With all this she is very frail and a different person not the nan i remember from before. Its like she's given up and yesterday she wasn't too good and said to my mum 'I'd rather be dead' I really dislike people who say that. I don't like anything related to death. Its understandable as she has been feeling rotten for some time and getting better will take months it would make any fed up.

Yesterday my parents took her back to A&E as she hadn't eaten properly for 4 days and didn't know what else to do she was still being sick. About 8 hours later she came home.

I was happy to see her kind of relieved she didn't say much and went straight upstairs and was being sick in the bathroom and told me not to tell mum and went for a lie down.

I want her to get well but isn't fair on me to keep secrets from mum and when she gives her food that she tries and passes some of it onto me maybe to make it look like she's actually eaten some when really she hasn't. She has to for her own good.

Years ago in College I went through a stage where I just didn't want to eat I know this is completely different. The smell and sight of food make me feel sick and with that lost the weight in just a short time if only I could of kept it off and not put another couple of stone on like now. That was a good weight I was. Slowly began to eat food again mum even had to sit with me to make sure I ate. I ate food a bit too much the weight just shot up now its going slowly.

Now I feel like a carer. I'm mostly left home alone with her as everybody else has more of a social life and checking up on her, I know she's my nan but it isn't a nice role.

She is no where near going home. Only time will tell.