Thursday 28 June 2012

First ever operation

For a few years I have been having problems with my right ankle. It had been getting painful and kept clicking it didn't seem right. I first visited the doctor I described my symptoms and her response basically 'I don't know' she didn't even take the time to ask me further questions or examine me. That must have been the quickest doctor appointment ever.

Not happy I re arranged another appointment with a different doctor. She was a lot nicer and took the time to listen and find out what the problem was. I described my symptoms and she arranged me for a referral where I would get a letter through the post to choose where I would want to go next. 

I chose to see a man at Garstang clinic. It was the one with least waiting time. He was a mad of so little words. Again, describing the symptoms the next stage was Blackpool Vic. Where eventually I had a steroid injection. As he seemed to think this would help. It filled up my ankle and couldn't get my shoe back on I had one those boot thingies that people with broken legs wear. 

When that didn't work I returned back to the doctor I saw in the first place. She said that someone my age shouldn't have something like this and may cause problems in the near future like arthritis. She referred me to Writington which is a specialist hospital in orthopedic. You'd get your appointment through the post but when ever I visited I'd never see the consultant at the time it was on the letter, there was always a wait and sometimes delayed by a few hours which only happened once.

I visited 4 times or so and every time going over what was wrong with my ankle I was starting to sound like a parrot.

I had x rays done even though I had them before at Fleetwood and why they couldn't get them Fleetwood I do not know it would have saved them time and money. 

X ray funnily enough didn't show anything. Knowing it wasn't bone and maybe ligament like originally thought.

The next step was MRI I had one originally but a while ago before I sprained my ankle. I was out and in a club yes had been drinking but wasn't that drunk to fall over the floor in the club is slippery and slipped and went over on my ankle. The next day it was painful and couldn't put any weight on it my mum insisted we visited A&E I didn't really want to but had no choice thought it may be broken. 

Had been there a few hours, they x rayed it and said it was sprained and didn't strap it up or anything like they should have done. It took a while before I could put weight on it but I think spraining it made it worse. 

I saw 4 different people at Writington and whom the appointment was made with Mr Karski I saw him only once or twice. 

The MRI showed some wear and tear. Keyhole was suggested to look inside and see what's going on. I could have a bit of a poke around and be in a bandage or thorough surgery and be in a cast and boot but they weren't sure till they went in.

The original operation was scheduled a week before we were going to London for the Jubilee. Un-sure what was going to happen it wouldn't have been a good idea as we would be walking lots around London and it wouldn't have been easy. Re-scheduled the keyhole it didn't take too long just a few more weeks.

I had post op which they took a  urine sample and sample of your groin and inside your nasal passages and your BP. 

They said if you haven't heard anything you would have passed, the nurse wasn't English and was a bit difficult to understand. She saw I'd been biting my nails and said if they were open they could cancel surgery due to infection and gave me 2 options for anesthetic. 

Trying not to bite my nails as I'd come so far to have keyhole I tried to resist with the help of plasters and thought local anesthetic be best but really I wouldn't have minded the full knocked out one.

Surgery was on Tuesday 26/6. Had to there for 7am so got up just after 5. Got there in time. Mum waited with me for a bit while they admitted me asking the usual questions, allergies, medication...

Didn't remove my nail polish I was embarrassed with my horrible toe nails so had to remove it. Mum was able to stay a while and told her to go as she was taking my nan to the clinic around 10.  
It was a quiet ward a few others waiting for procedures. There was an old woman next to me and a larger lady opposite who seemed to have been on the ward a while as they weren't quite ready to leave yet. 

It was a bit boring and my phone wasn't hospital friendly. The internet was slow. The lady opposite brought a book and another lady had a kindle wish I had a book to pass the time. 

Part of Mr Karki's team came round to go through the procedure and ask more questions, I liked him. He doodled on me to make sure they opened the right leg. I was 4th on the list out of 6.

One of the nurses said to start getting ready 10ish. Putting on the lovely gown always attractive it ties at the back but not properly and a little see through.
As people were starting to go down for their procedure. I heard two guys ask for me to go down I was a little nervous. 
They wheeled me down on the bed which was a bit pointless. As I walked into the room before theatre. 
A girl probably my age or a bit older asked more questions and was talking to me while I was about to be anaesthetised it was just after 12. They gave me a breathing mask and that was it just remember waking up in recovery shivering. Coming round too. 

I looked at the clock it was just after 3. Felt warmer than before and heard the nurse say to someone else that I'd been there a while due to being cold. I wondered if I were in a cast or bandage I used my other foot to feel my other foot it was a bandage.

Went back to Ward D. I text my mum to say I was out. I still had a drip in and BP was taken. The nurse asked if I'd like a brew and something to eat of course I said yes. I drank my brew but was desperate for the loo I had to ask and the drip was taken out and a boot put on and hoppled to the toilet. Mum said the ward told her visiting was 6.30 so she be back then.

Coming back from the loo I sat in the chair and Mr Karski came round with the other guy. Said he removed some scar tissue that had been left from a previous injury news to me and that it should relieve some pain and discomfort and if that doesn't work repair the ligament. I should be having physio soon.

I had food there was a little like school dinners. I ate it all with fasting the night before was quite hungry. I kept checking the clock to see if mum was coming with no reading material or nothing to do it was quite boring, there was a tv but couldn't quite see or hear it. 

The lady next to me was sick and had a wee bag not a nice thing to look at. I probably dozed of a few times. The lady opposite came in at 8.30 and didn't leave for her procedure till about 4pm. She looked fed up, when she came back it was her hand that had lumps removed or something. 
She was only back literally 5 minutes when I heard her on the phone to someone asking them to pick her in half an hour.

As the others were getting ready to be discharged I was hoping mum would come soon. I was happy to see her and wanted to get home.

I got dressed and left my pj bottoms on as my foot was swollen and skinny jeans wasn't a good idea.  

The nurse gave me some medication for the pain and some info and dressings.

The stitches are staying in for 2 weeks but go to remove outer dressing 48 hours. I don't really want to look at it, its sore and very swollen and hard. I'll do it tomorrow.

Soon as I got home I got into pjs well I was already wearing bottoms and put a top on and bed. It was nice being back in my own bed. 

Its strange when you have anesthetic your completely wiped out. When asleep your kind of aware your alive by breathing, noises but anesthetic is like your dead or something. 

Still feeling tired and weary must be the affect of the anesthetic still and some of the meds say make you sleepy. 

Mum said you can have a lie in, wake up when you want well that didn't quite happen about 10 she asked me if I'd like a brew. 

I think it be best going back to work when the stitches come out as I'd still have to walk around and its quite difficult with having a procedure done on the side of your foot. 

Today I felt tireder than yesterday so turned my tele of and had a few hours sleep as Thursday is the day mum and dad look after Caleb. So had some peace and quiet slept for about 3 hours. 

Hopefully it'll get better :) but I'm glad its done. I just hope the procedure has helped and won't need the ligament repair.

Saturday 9 June 2012

A Royal Weekend

This year marked 60 years for the Queens Diamond Jubilee, she become Queen at the age of 25 which is very young to have that responsibility of a whole country and head of the commonwealth nations, crown dependencies and British Overseas Territories. 

Only Queen Victoria has reigned longer at 63 years. I'm sure she can beat that.

So in celebration for the Jubilee it will be a 4 day weekend to celebrate her 60 years as Queen. 

I can't really remember her Silver Jubilee and don't think we did anything for it but this year mum wanted to see it. I have been to London several times before but nothing big as this. 

2 June 2012 - We left for London early Saturday morning got the train from Poulton to Preston then straight to London. It was fairly busy I think some people had the same idea as us.

It was a fairly miserable day and didn't stop there. Once getting into Euston had to use the underground. The underground is quite mind boggling. Its probably one of the quickest and simpler ways to travel round London, luckily Kim was there as she has experienced the underground before although we did get on the wrong train once not bad through out the whole weekend.

Our Hotel was at 'Tower Hill' about a 10 minute walk at Premier Inn. A nice, simple hotel you only use a hotel for sleeping and showering really as your out and about all day. 

First we freshened up in the hotel and went for a wander. The first place we came to we St. Catherines Dock near the Tower Bridge. The sun finally came out which was nice. All kinds of boats and some nice restaurants and shops and the boats were decorated nicely with flags for the Jubillee as 1000 boats would be sailing down the Thames.

We walked down across The Tower Bridge and walked a bit more and walking beside the Thames and found a pub and decided to have a drink there. 'The Horniman at Hay's' which was a nice pub nicely decorated for the Jubilee with flags.

We hopped on a bus to Covent Garden, I quite like Covent Garden. Shops, restaurants and there is a place inside that has musicians from all over the place that play mostly classical music with people sat drinking coffee, wine. It is a nice atmosphere people listening and clapping and it looked lovely with the Union Jack bunting above and entering Covent Garden there were the England flags gave it a strong British feel. Outside also are a few street performers.

We walked around for a bit and decided to look for somewhere to have tea. We saw an Italian place. It was busy but the food was nice I had a spinach cannelloni but when it came it was cold so ate it quite fast. We ordered a garlic bread but it didn't come so the owner I presume gave us a Banoffee pie for free and each had a limoncello the only way to end an Italian meal ;+) Thats where mum made a comment about my hair and decided to go to the Boots I'd seen and buy a hair dye and thats what I did back at the hotel but didn't go as planned as the colour is too dark for me and haven't covered all of my hair. 
I think after that we went back to the hotel and got some rest as the next day was going to be a long day as it was the day of the pageant.

We had the news on in the morning and they were reporting from the Thames and said that people had started getting there early to get a good viewing spot.

3 June 2012 - For breakfast there was a Weatherspoon across the road so decided to have breakfast there. Good prices and quite nice cheaper than the hotel. I went for the large breakfast but couldn't finish it all as it was too big but was fuel for the day ahead and I needed it.

Instead of waiting for hours for the pageant we decided to do something else instead and thought we go to the Tate Modern where Damien Hirst had his exhibition held. Kim had discount tickets so we got in 2 for 1 or something like that.

It was in a part of London not seen before next to the Shakespeare Global Theatre. A nice building but to go inside of course you had to pay and see the play which that day was Hamlet.

The Hirst exhibition was certainly different. I had heard about it on the news. There was a skull that was full of diamonds and worth £50 million you had to enter a dark room to see it in the light. Was spectacular one way of jazzing up a skull. 'For the love of God'

You weren't allowed to take pictures so my dad thinking there must be something to stop you so he started tapping walls and a light from nowhere shone at him and he jumped there was a man in the corner of the dark room with a flash light. 
The rest of the exhibition was bizarre. Dead animals and there was one with a cows head that I found disturbing. A cows head with flies and a box of maggots to show life and death and cows cut in half, shelfs with different types of pills all shapes and sizes, surgical tools and even a butter fly house and a large ash tray with cigarette butts and packets. 
We walked around the rest of the museum but found it a bit boring art galleries aren't me really. We got bored towards the end and left and decided to get a spot for the pageant.

We found a spot up a slope and near the 'wobbly bridge' the Millennium Bridge and there was a monitor near us to see the progress and stalls of food and drink. Me and mum stood waiting while kim and dad went to find drink an hour or so later came back with crisps and a jug of Pimms. All of a sudden the crowd got bigger more people were surrounding us and it was a cold day and my back started hurting with standing around. We heard cheers but not for the boat we thought but for another one I don't know which kind and we walked around a bit more trying to get a better view but most places were taken already. Dad thought he could find a spot on the slope of the Millennium bridge not quite. As it was wet it was slippery he slipped in the air and brought a few people with him who weren't happy 'nice one mate' as one said. That was the moment more cheers started and I guess that was the Queens barge so didn't see it. So many arms in the air trying to get a shot I tried but got nothing.
We walked back through what appeared to be a town about wine and wine museum. We found a Tappas bar and sat outside under shelter from the rain and ordered a hot drink I had 2 pots of tea and ordered some food. Not my kind of a food. I had pea soup that was just warm mushy peas and Kim and Dad had some other things like goats cheese and spicy sausage with a stroppy waiter. 
We went back to the hotel and dad showed us his leg he had a massive bruise and lump on his side after a hot shower and that we decided to go somewhere for tea. Kim suggest a place she visited with Paul on her previous London trip. It wasn't far and what a bbq meat place called 'Bodines' Nice kind of place we were downstairs in the restaurant so much to choose from meat wise. Me and Kim decided to share a meat platter of chicken, ribs and pork with chips and coleslaw and i ordered a cosmo.
4 June 2012 - As we were staying near the Tower that day we decided to go there. Kim hadn't before been before or see the Crown Jewels. It was a rainy day again as to be expected we qued up didn't take too long and I bought a guide book for us all to read. While quing up me and Kim were joking and speaking in an Italian accent. We got inside and waiting for the tour guide, most of the guides had a military background. He spoke a while about the history mostly hangings and followed him inside and around and into the chapel where most are buried. The guide said mobile phones switched off and who's phone rang? my mums and made it worse by trying to turn it off. 

The centre of the tower is nice some quant little houses and one house called 'The Queens House' small row of houses with the union jack above and the Queens guard. 

We went into the cafe for a drink which was a nice cafe the food looked lovely. Then it began to rain. Qued up to see the Queens Jewels. 
Around the Tower there were ravens let lose. Quite sweet little birds just wondering around the grounds.

Some of them are amazing. Crowns worn by different Kings and Queens and other objects.

There are different things you can see in the Tower. We walked up some stairs to bit of a museum. Like armor and uniforms. 
We waited to go into a room about torture things pulling your limbs off and crushing you very grim. 
We headed into the gift shop where I purchased a key ring for myself as I try and collect key rings from places I visit and got a union jack key ring for my Japanese friend and a postcard of The Tower. 
Mum wanted to see the chair that was sat on by the last man to get killed at the Tower. A german spy parachuted into England in 1941. He was injured upon landing captured and brought to London for court martial. Evidence used against him included a parachute, a portable radio and a torn up code wheel. Found guilty he was sentenced to death.

So not everyone was killed in the early years as that man was killed in 1941. 
Just as we sat down we saw people taking photo's and running out to see what ever it was that was going on and it was the Tower Bridge opening to a large boat.

We headed outside and went up the stairs to the walkway where you get a view of the bridge and London. Its quite a rare occasion to see a boat sail through the bridge.

Got the open top bus to Buckingham palace as I've always wanted to see it as I've never had chance.

That evening was going to be Jubilee concert with famous artists preforming like Tom Jones, Gary Barlow and his Jubilee song, Sir Paul McCartney etc. Months before the BBC advertised that you could apply for tickets the concert you had to fill in a form online which I did unfortunately I wasn't lucky :( Only 10,000 got tickets. We walked through St James' Park which was a nice park with a pretty lake and the cutest little house that was the bird keepers house.Walked up the mall as people were getting ready to view the concert as there were big screens to watch it, it was pretty decorated with union jacks.

We walked out of the Park and found a little pub near Liberties to have a drink as in London a round of 4 drinks cost £25 we sat outside and people watch and peeked in Liberties as I can't recall hearing of the apparent 'famous' store. We went down to Regent street where the big Topshop was. I didn't think it was that big. Filled with more stuff then the Blackpool store. I saw some ace boots that I saw on a mannekin that I'd seen in a email a while before but looked round the clothes first and then went to the shoes and then accessories.

Dad went elsewhere in the Apple store and got the hint they were bored of waiting for us and couldn't look anymore as I really wanted to try the boots I wish I did as now online there sold out, typical. I bought one top a dipped hem leopard print top and a cute little star necklace and Kim bought something else. Hamleys was just near where we were and Kim wanted to get Caleb a present but we were being pressured to hurry up as they were tired of waiting for us. After that we found a 'Bella Italia' to have tea in. It was quite nice I had a starter a bruschetta with tomatoes on toasted ciabatta which was nice and for main I cannot remember but am sure it was delicious.

We went to another bar another Weatherspoon it was quicker service than the one we visited before. The pub was messy with celebrations of the Jubilee we stayed for one and retired.

5 June 2012 - It was the last day of the Jubilee weekend. The Queen had a busy timetable. Unfortunately the Queen would be flying solo as Prince Philip had been hospitalised for a bladder infection they say the pageant he attended made it worse :( at least the Queen had her family beside her, Prince Charles, Camilla, Prince William, Prince Harry and Kate (wonderful Kate) as I call her as she's always in the papers. She did nice wearing a red Alexander McQueen dress and a red hat.

We walked across the road where you could get a site seeing tour 'Big Bus Tours' £20 each but you get to hop on and off where ever in London. We used to bus down to Westminster as mum wanted to visit Westminster Abbey. On the way this picture was displayed for the floatilla which she would see as they sailed past during the pageant.

Earlier that morning on the news people had been gathering close to the Abbey to see the Queen as she would be attending the service of Thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral and then Mansion House and lunch at Westminster Hall is where we thought we may have a chance of seeing her.

Last time when we visited London we refused to go into Westminster Abbey as they were charging £13 and a bit cheeky charging when its a Abbey and a place of worship. This time we gave in and was £15. We sometimes see the Abbey on TV as its where the Royals get married. Its quite impressive inside. There's many buried there and have there own tombs including that of Elizabeth I.

We walked around for a bit with a guide where you pressed buttons and it tell you about the thing you were looking at. We walked to the cloister and garth where there were a place to buy food and a little gift shop. I bought a ham and cheese sandwich and a tea, the sandwich wasn't the best as it reminded me of mustard but it didn't say there were mustard on it, it must have been the holey cheese and I bought a piece of cake which cost £3.00 and could have come with cream as it was a bit dry.

We left and thought about getting a good spot to try and see the Queen. There were quite a lot of people there all scattered around.

We found a balcony near some people where we squeezed on that was a bit tricky getting on. The Queen would be going down that route towards Westminster Hall for lunch and also there was sand on the ground for the horses. 12.45 she would be arriving at Westminster before that there were some brass bands type playing and marching down the road.

We heard some cheering and blight flashing lights that of a police escort and a landrover and old car and that was Prince Harry and shortly after the Queen in the car but not with Prince Philip but with some woman. Our waiting had paid off and can successfully say 'we've seen the Queen'.

After that we had to get the underground back to the hotel to get our bags. We tried to march through the crowd as the Queen would be coming back that way but we'd miss that. We had to wait for them to allow people to cross the street and crossed over to get the tube. We got back to hotel where the news was reporting from Westminster Hall where she would be getting in a horse and carriage with Prince Charles and Camilla. Going back up the mall to Buckingham Palace where she would stand on the balcony and a fly over. Which looked the best part of the whole day and we missed it :(