Thursday 30 August 2012


Blog to Japan -

Since Studio Ghibli released Spirited Away in this country my interest and fascination in Japan began. I had never seen any kind of film like Spirited Away before when I watched it I thought it was great and there began my love for Studio Ghibli  movies also. 

When I'm at home I enjoy looking and reading anything associated with Japan. Pictures, news, stories, blogs, etc. I own 8 bonsai trees which I love, as they're my own little bit of Japan and have objects that resemble Japan in any way and they mean a lot to me.

I have joined a pen pal site on line and made friends with few Japanese people whom I love to talk to and who kindly send me gifts from time to time and I have got to know them personally and do find out more about there culture and lifestyle. There share pictures with me that I find lovely and interesting and would like be there to see it for myself and appreciate it in person. 

My family and friends know how much I love Japan. I do love to write, writing to my pen pals has helped me improve my writing skills and my own English and do blog from time to time as it helps me express my thoughts, feelings and interests and have read other peoples traveling blogs and have wished I could do that. Sharing my experiences with other people and bring my own interoperation to the blog. One of the other things I enjoy is taking pictures. I like to capture the moment on film, when ever I go anywhere I'm never without my camera. I like to take pictures so me myself doesn't forget what I've seen and like other people to enjoy them as I have. 

There are many things I would love to see and do in Japan. It all looks fascinating and would be absolutely be thrilled to go and would mean the world to me.

Its so beautiful from sakura, geisha trotting down the streets of Kyoto, crazy vending machines, high tech toilets, fascinating culture and traditions, there is so much to explore and discover.

My reasons would be to see  - 

1. Shrines and Temples
2. Onsen
3. Taking the bullet train 
4. Ghibli Museum 
5. Meet friends through pen paling and meet some new friends
6.See Geisha and dances of Gion
7. The Food - I am a Japanese food beginner and have sampled some of it and find it very delicious but like to try it some more
8. To learn the language I would love to speak the same language as my friends and be able to have a conversation with them 
9. To see Akihabara
10. To see the festivals
11. To see Mount Fuji and to climb and see the wonderful views
12. Experience Hanabi

I'm 28 and never traveled on my own or with anyone else or had the opportunity for my own adventure. This would be truly amazing and it could help me figure out what I want to do with my life as I have never really known since leaving school. I only work part time and don't really have much of a social life. Many of my friends have moved away and don't get out much so it be good for me to stand on my own and be independent and like to do more with my life. It would be an incredible journey for me.