Thursday 17 September 2009

No rest for the wicked

So this week hasn't been any different from any other week apart from not sleeping very well and not slept properly since Monday.

Work has been so so. Having 3 days off in a row last week it takes you a while to get into the swing of things back at work.
I don't think there isn't one thing that annoys me at that place from customers, to other members of staff to they way the store is run. I good write a list of problems with that store as long as my arm.

I'm still thinking about looking for other work with more hours as only working 4 days a week with 4 hours a day isn't enough as I have so many things bills to pay its hard keeping on track especially when I have a shopping addiction.

There already posting jobs wanting Christmas staff already so I may keep them in mind. Other jobs I have seen are about the same or less than the hours I'm already doing so not worth it.

Wednesday I finally got the push to visit my GP over having symptoms that could result in Polycystic ovaries. I've heard of it before but never thought I may have it.
Described everything to the Doctor about the things I started getting over the pass few years when my weight suddenly ballooned as I don't eat enough to be over weight. So it didn't make sense. Im hoping the problem I've been having with my ankle is a result of this too and get it treated as for a few months regularly I have to force to click my ankle as it feels stiff until I click it does it then feel slightly less stiff as I told the Doctor this she said it sounds like my ligament moving over to my bone and could see a orthopedic surgeon but good result in more problems. So she is sending me to have a few tests done to see if I may have this syndrome or whatever it may be causing the symptoms I may have including the sudden weight gain in so little time.
Come Monday Ill need to fast have some blood tests done and then will be sent to have an ultrasound to see if they are any cysts on my ovaries. Only time will tell.
Part of me is thinking that I won't have it and its just my bad luck I've had these horrible symptoms over the past years and that there is nothing I can do about it. That I will have to keep clicking my ankle for the next 70 years and that my weight will be the same or the excessive bodily hair. I hope there is a solution and I'd be a lot happier.

Well I'm certainly glad Im off tomorrow and hopefully get a good nights sleep. and await next week.

Monday 7 September 2009

1st visit to Chorley

As I had been working last week none stop I was glad to see I had the weekend off as its very rare that I do I've only had 1 weekend off before.

So I decided instead of staying in and doing bugger all I shall do something I contacted Laura and asked her what she was up to as we've previously tried to meet but no luck. 

We usually meet in Preston as its near by for any of us to travel to. Only takes 20 mins from Poulton and said meet at the Station in Preston although they were running late as they always seems to do must be Gavin still in the shower. 

When I got to Preston I just went browsing in Debenhams to look for something for my dad which is his birthday on Tuesday as I'd seen a nice shirt online but didn't have his size. I was stuck between choices. I just picked up a nice blue jumper and got that and got Rosie some Chanel and went into a few card shops to get dad and Rosie who's birthday it also is a card. 

Preston was quite busy obviously cause it were weekend. I wondered round Debenhams for a bit till Laura got to town. Said meet her in the mall. Gave me the name of the shop and started to walk to meet her. As I wasn't familiar with the shop I thought it be near the entrance round the other side of Preston but when I got in there she said it was near WH Smith which I already walked past and went the other way lost my bearings in the mall. Asked a few people but weren't much help and even the Customer Service desk told me it was somewhere else. So I just walked round till I saw the sign for WH Smith and went upstairs and eventually found it. 

We went in a few shops and wondered where to have lunch pub or cafe. Me and Gavin were eager to pub it but Laura wasn't so keen so just went to M&S cafe for afternoon tea which it was tea, sandwich and cupcake. 

We didn't visit a lot of shops after that only Topshop where most things were tiny sizes. I saw a dress in there that had a nice big bow on the front and only small sizes. There wasn't a lot in there some shoes were nice but thats it. Nothing worth spending money on only that dress if it was in a size that fit. So typical of Topshop it attracts mostly young people and they think that they are thin so they mostly do clothing from 6-10 and the sizes like 14-16 only the odd size out in store usually only about 1 and you can bet money that that size won't be there again. Several of the sizes like 10. 

Anyway after that I said I go back with Laura & Gavin to theres. Went to Tesco first as they needed to do a bit of food shopping. 
They both have a nice good sized flat. I thought Chorley would be a quite a small and village like. Their flat is part of a quite big housing development with more flat/houses being built. 

It was good of them to give me tea and everything and chill out. I came back with Gavin as he got a text from some mates of ours who were going to be in town from Manchester and said we'll meet them. I didn't think they'll be out for long as Laura is quite heavily pregnant and would get tired and would want to go home. It was still a good few hours. Stayed in Blue Room for a bit and then was going to go to Scrooges but late for last orders so only place left open is Frenchmans Cove. Its okay just older people seem to go in there on there office parties playing cheesy pop songs I dred to see what its like at Christmas probably even worse. 

Like I thought Laura did get tired and left for home. Leaving only me, Daryl and Gavin still standing. Went to Tache still the same as always on a Saturday night. Not many places to go in town that aren't dance music. Jenx has gone really rubbish since the new owners took it over. There's no community in it. Not like when the old owner knew people 'regulars' the new guy just interest in money and the whole place has changed. Not interested in going into town anymore. The odd night out is okay but not every week I guess it would get a bit boring. 

Tuesday 1 September 2009


This week I got back into learning about Japanese culture and one including Geisha. I don't know where it started but after watching Memoirs of a Geisha I wanted to learn all about the real Geisha. I think maybe from watching Ghibli and how they portrait Japanese traditions in their films that I wanted to learn about other things then a while after watching Ghibli did I see Memoirs of a Geisha. I thought the film was okay there were some particular scenes in the movie that I thought were just lovely. I loved the kimonos she wore they just so detailed and beautiful.

However I was shocked to learn that the actors/actresses were Chinease and not Japanese as Geisha are.

Thats what I decided to do next learn who this Mineko Iwaski was. I ordered her book 'Geisha of Gion' and read it this week. Reading about her life and experiences as a geisha that are fact. I got into this book so much that I didn't put it down and read it in just a few days.
How she lived in Kyoto from the age 5 being adopted from the okiya's owner Madame Oima and took on a new family name of Iwasaki.
It was a highly interesting book and a very good read. 

It makes me want to visit Japan more now. The one thing I like to do is the Geiko makeover experience and to do the evening with Geiko and Maiko. Other parts of Kyoto I'd love to visit and other parts of Japan too not forgetting the Ghibli museum. 
Love to do the overall Japanese experience and hope to have it one day in the near future.