Friday 4 December 2009

Happy 25 Years and bah humbug

Last week was my parents 25th Silver Anniversary. The morning was a bit of a commotion as my dad bought my mum flowers but not the right ones and thought they were lilies that smelt but actually weren't he was just fussing. After the 3rd attempt manage to get them right. My mums friend known to us as 'Aunty Ann' came rang with card and pressie that was a characture of my parents it was possibly one the best oscar moments I seen my parents give. Even though she manage to send a picture to whom did the characture it didn't look like them that was why my dad was giving the best oscar performance pretending it was a lovely gift I knew what they thought and just let him carry on. Lovely thought still as Anniversary or any occasion is hard to buy for. I knew buying some piece of glass with '25' on would be a waste so in the end just got some flowers and for a card with '25' on wasn't easy Not many to 'mum and dad on your anniversary' cards just had to stick with a normal one in the end.
My brother booked a restaurant in Lytham knowing my mum would like it but it wasn't quite convenient with everyone else like nana, kim and baby. Mum had already settled for River Wyre as it was close and could have a drink afterwards. Mum had invited a few people hoping 11 would turn up but only turned out to be 8.2 of whom was my parents good friends but seemed they didn't really want to be there. It was quite disappointing for mum. Before we left for the restaurant dad went out to get some beer and drinks and earlier that dad mum went shopping and bought snacks for people who could come back to ours and have a drink and cheer to 25 years and me cleaning the house up. It ended up with with just the 3 of us and an early night and a gorgeous cake that my nan baked still on the island. They have gone Edinburgh for weekend and I hope they have a nice weekend there.

It seems Christmas has come early this year earlier than last year and maybe the year before that. It was around when it was Halloween and people are going crazy getting their presents.
Working in a home bargains store trolley full of Christmas stuff. Now the shop has decided to open late on two days for people to do their Christmas shopping but who does it in Cleveleys? The only people coming in at that time 7 and 8 are those buying a few bits they must only take about £20 like someone said there paying us more than there taking. Can be stressful working there. While on the till manager decides to sort my till out while a customer was waiting to pay and he was on the phone right next to me. It was like take your time and take all my change even though I might need it. He's always like do this do that doesn't let me finish the first thing he asked me to do before going onto something else. I'm not wonder woman.

I dunno this year I don't seem to be bothered with it all. If I could I would spend it in a hot climate abroad and do nothing just relax, maybe one day.
Its all the preparations like having to think what to get people. I usually think of things that I know they'll use no point in getting things that will be sat in a draw and never used waste of money. I just don't know where to begin I don't even know what I want.
I think I miss Christmas like i did when little. It seems to go so quick. Christmas is definitely for kids. What I guess I miss every year. Like the excitement leading up to Christmas and wanting so many things hoping Santa bring them you and leaving mine pies and sherry out. There was one thing I kept asking for that I never got I think that was the moment when I knew that writing a list on Christmas Eve night I wasn't going to get the thing I wanted the most and how could Santa bring it me at short notice. Plenty of hints to tell you Santa isn't real and actually your parents buy the presents.
My brother would always be the one to wake up early on Christmas morning about 6am jumping on me in my room wanting to rush downstairs to see the presents under the tree. Then going into our parents room and wanting them to wake up so we could go downstairs, it was always dad who used to take his time getting up. Eyes light up at the big presents at the back and with 3 of us we used to have our sets of presents in order under the tree.
Now a days we don't get up till late morning and its a grown up Christmas now. The preparations leading up to Christmas are fun but when its Christmas days seems to be over so quick.
It'll be babies first Christmas but he's too young to know what's what maybe next year it'll be proper exciting for him when he can enjoy Christmas like it should be. Like how we've outgrown it.
When Christmas comes around you suddenly realise how quick the year has gone. Every year always wishing it would snow that would really be Christmassy. Its cold enough at the mo but with living by the sea doesn't really happen.
Christmas is about togetherness I suppose so eat, drink and be merry.

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