Sunday 11 March 2012

A year on

Today marks 1 year since The Japanese Tsunami 11,3,11. The other day I watched an interesting documentary called 'Children of the Tsunami' It was both heart warming and sad, heart warming in the sense of these lovely innocent children adapting to a new life of radiation and sad that they have to. There was a lovely little girl who was only allowed to play outside for half an hour a day and only on tarmac as the grass and bushes could hold radiation and the rest of the children having to wear a monitor and some wearing masks, the monitor to monitor there radiation levels when they were at school, home etc. To leave there original home and town to live outside the 'exclusion zone'.

These were the children that survived the tsunami when they were at school. One girl lost her best friend, for someone to lose there friend at that age and in a terrible disaster is very sad and as she said she didn't say 'goodbye'.

It said 1 out of 11 teachers survived, they held a meeting with one of the teachers who survived to find out what happened basically but most of the parents were pointing the finger at this teacher for blame of the deaths of there children which i thought was very un fair. Very cruel. One man was shaking his daughters shoe at the teacher saying 'this is all thats left of my daughter' The poor teacher must have felt awful and to the blame of so many childrens lives was just unfair for the poor man. It was a devistating tragedy that took so many lives and so many children, adults are missing.

Slowly one year on the town keeps getting better, the pictures of then and now are just amazing.

I still very sad for those children who can only play outside for a short amount of time and left there homes and don't know when they'll be able to return. There very brave and adapted well. The government had really pulled the finger out and cleared of the mess, the debris and getting the country back to normal. New Orleans in America is still suffering, seems to be worse than ever. The hurricane that happened there was 2005. The tsunami was just a year ago and so much has changed already.

Japan will always be in my heart. Japan is special, since watching and becoming totally addicted to Studio Ghibli it made me more fascinated with Japan and hopefully one day visit and see this amazing country for myself.

I hope Fukishima returns to normal one day and these children and there families return home and have the lives they deserve.

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