So for a while everyone has been preparing themselves for the holiday as 'Easter' Since March or probably sooner stores began to sell Easter eggs and Easter themed goodies.
Its quite a important holiday as it celebrates the resurrection of Christ. People celebrate buy eating lots of chocolate although I don't get the connect of chocolate shaped eggs? I have just read that when eggs come to life as in when Christ comes back to life, natural symbol for fertility.
This year seems to be bigger than last year for some reason I noticed. Stores go crazy selling Easter based products especially the one I work in not only is there Chocolate and lots of it in different shapes and sizes but decorations, toys even children's play costumes. I can't believe the amount of chocolate people have been buying as I told my friend in Japan just adds to the obesity problem in this country. The most chocolate eggs I sold to a customer was about 20 :O and I'm just as bad buying them :( Its hard to resist and selling little chocolate bunnies and little eggs 5 for a £1.
Some of the eggs are expensive we went to Booths today and a Easter Egg Kit Kat Chunky was £5.99 where as our shop sold them at £1.99 as I bought one for someone and you get a free mug! I don't know why you get a free mug but still pretty cool and at a good price.
I have done my nephew Caleb a Easter bag. I got him Thomas mini book set, book, train 'Cranky' a Thomas easter egg and a Kinder egg :) oh and a Easter card.
Easter is more for kids like Christmas and for adults to gorge on chocolate.
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