Friday 18 March 2011

Pray for Japan

Waking up on Saturday 12/03/2011 morning to hear the sound of my Dads TV (he has it quite loud as he is a little deaf) Heard them speak of Earthquake to hit Japan, my immediate reaction was 'where abouts' as I have made friends with a girl in Japan since November we have been e-mailing and sent our first postcard to one another, she lives in Hokkaido (Northern Japan) I wanted to make sure the place she lives wasn't the place that was hit it was hit in a place called Sendai near Tokyo. I was still eager to hear from friend 'Carin' to know she was okay, I check my e-mails daily to check if she has e-mailed. I received an e-mail later that day which was a relief. There was news of the tsunami hitting her area and went to the 'evacuation site' her grandparents whom lived near the sea managed to get out in time.

The scenes on Sky News was surreal like watching a disaster movie. First the highest earthquake on record then a tsunami to follow. With no little warning at all those who survived were very lucky. Homes/schools swept away cars and boats floating away and a big cyclone. Aftershocks continued. Tokyo even felt the earthquake as it showed images of buildings rocking as Japan experiences earthquakes the buildings are made to withstand the shaking.

Even today several days later not all over some Power Plants have collapsed and some have been leaking radiation. People told to either evacuate the area or stay in their homes. It announced that the radiation leak is serious enough to kill people.

There been reports saying that there is panic in Tokyo. people
queuing to buy food and the essentials but then there are pictures showing people living normally and getting on with day to day living I don't really know whats going on.

What surprised me is that when something this terrible happens there is a global plea to help like give donations and send aid but there hasn't been any at all for Japan they are a wealthy country but still every little helps.

One celebrity has donated $1million to Japan which I think its very thoughtful if only more celebrities showed more initiative. Lady Gaga has brought out wrist bands at $5 which I've purchased and will wear alongside my 'Save Japan Dolphins' Footballers who earn ridiculous amounts of money should donate more or start to even I donated to The British Red Cross I don't earn a lot but it was for a good cause £18 could go a long way. 'A spokesman for the British Red Cross said it had not sent any supplies or teams to the country but would, if asked'Why don't they send them anyway surely they would be grateful.

These survivors looking for their families and belongings through the rubble and now in snow its a sad scene. The IRC flew out but then returned. There hasn't been much response from other countries like America. None have shown much response since it happened.

I hope they can rebuild there lives and move on, Japan is a lovely country, I love Japan so much probably why I'm saddened by the tragedy even though I have yet to explore Japan I'm glad I have a friend in Japan she is very interesting and fun to talk to and teaches me new things about a lovely place.

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