Sunday 24 July 2011


On Saturday we had a lovely day up at the Lakes on our new-ish boat that my parents purchased. On that day it was the Windermere Air Show. Dad wanted to go and he asked a couple he knows who work at the Brewery he does work for to come and have a day out with us. Got up early well it was early for me like 8.30 on a Saturday! and got ready to drive down. Before we leave anywhere dad has to change his shoes, clean the car, wash the alloys, etc. I thought we were going to be late but actually were there before them. The weather was fair sunny but windy. The new marina is better quieter than the last and a bit more secluded. My dads friend came and met us and we just sat drank and chatted. The Airshow would start at about 2. It was a bit windy. We managed to get out on the lake and park a spot for the Airshow. It was very busy with other boats out on the lake and people in Bowness. There were many types of boats some really big ones. It actually seems to be quite snooty. Who has the most money kind of thing. It was nice to see a good turn out for the lakes. It was quite fun and releaxing sitting with a glass of wine and chatting. The planes finally appeared they were okay there were all kinds. 2 planes with people ontop of them, they must have been mad and I bet it was freezing. That got a tad boring. My dad got numbers to stick on the side of the boat. I was rating the planes as they came past that plane got a 1. Everyone was waiting for the best plane called the 'Vulcon' They saved the best to last. We were floating about in the Lake and decided to turn back the moment we were turning into our spot in the Marina heard a great noise and it would have to be the Vulcon.

After that we decided to leave and get something to eat. Martin knew a place so we drove and walked up to this place.

The food was okay. I wished i had the chocolate sundae that sounded ace.

Mum and Dad had a debate of whether to sleep on the boat or not. Mum wanted to to see if you could do it as with it being windy it was quite swayie. Dad didn't really want to nor did I. We didn't have any provisions. I slept on a boat before 'Arondale' on the canal and I didn't like that, scary and uncomfortable.

If we were going to stay over I would have gone in a hotel. We finally decided to come home. Dad may have returned back on the Sunday with someone we know who was going to sleep out on it Monday to show him the ropes.

When we came home Nan was in our house and told us the sad news that our cat whom we have for 22 years had to be put down. 'Sarah' she was a large tortoishell cat who was our 1st cat and grew up with us. She been poorly the last few years. Slowly deteriating. She was between homes that of mine and my nans who lives 2 doors away in our old house. When we moved she didn't she stayed.

She was happy like that. Stayed at either and ate all she wanted and came and went as she pleased. The only thing was cause she was old she would wee and poo in the house and sit in awkward places like in the doorway.

I remember when we first went to get her. I must have been like 5. She was outside in a kennel and it looked a tad miserable. We kind of grew up together.

This year hasn't been great lost 3 pets in one year. Baby whom I thought would have gone after Sarah as she was less old and Charlie (my brothers snake) Pets bring you joy and its heart breaking when they leave. They all had a good life.

We buried Sarah this morning in the back yard. Truely sad. Everyone crying my brother holding her in a towel it looked like she was asleep. Thinking about it I'm at tears. Christian acts tough but deep down he is sensitive and gets emotional. Dad didn't really show much emotion last night when we got the news but before burying her he was wearing his glasses but behind them I saw his tears. He wrote a lovely speech and was struggling to read it so mum read it instead. It was lovely that made me cry. It was about her being with us when we were little and growing up together and now her being at peace.

We left the poem with her as she was wrapped up on her bed she liked to have slept on when she was at my nans.

Christian did the buying and put her house next to where she lay.

We had dinner at nans and she has a door that swings and I even checked to see where she was before it swung behind me closed as once before she got caught and trapped her tale. Even before that I thought I saw her in the Kitchen sitting where she normally sat in the doorway next to the water bowl.

Its going to take some getting used to her not being around.

RIP Sarah

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